Less than two weeks left in this year and boy, oh boy am I ready to lay this one to rest. Granted I've managed to make some wonderful changes, and for the most part taken all the sad I had been collecting and turning it into something I'm now very proud of.
While elated that my car survived all those trips back and forth from Arizona and made it back to Los Angeles and even helped me get to the interview that led to my wonderful employment, she has been laid to rest. Her problems finally overpowered her and is now non-operational as a result.
In other, more (maybe less) exciting news, I moved to east LA a couple of months ago and have been keeping it realer than most by busing my silly buns to work and else where. It's kind of an experience at times. Most of which, one I wish I wasn't having.
Aside from all of my car drama I have been relishing the last of this year. Dwelling in the goodness with friends. Keeping up by skipping down the street on our way to where ever the good times are. I've also been setting myself up with some goals for the upcoming year. Not really things that I feel I have to make up for which is a good feeling. This last year was one hell of an experience. Giving a lot to go on. Even more to come from.